Oh yes they are! More photos in ‘more’ section.
Got some more post this morning: a wonderful CD from the Jungle Kid, thank you so much! And a letter from Lydia.
There is a movie on the CD which I have seen only on a machine that has no sound card: dark shapes move rythmically over dark backgrounds. Faces flicker. I’m going to have to track down a computer with the appropriate combination of working sound and media-player…
last night on the way back to my house from the market (where I had inadvertently bought some ripe fruit that I could play the guess-the-fruit-game with because even I dont know what it is, but it turned out to be over-ripe and full of maggots) I was greeted by two of the teachers from the girls school behind the college: smart gentlemen on bicycles.
“Hello Mark” called on of them, as he passed.
I rotated on the spot with my jaw and shopping bags hanging slackly down. He looked back over his shoulder as he pedaled.
“You want me to tell you who I am!”, he said. It wasn’t a question, he knew damn well I did.
To cut a long story short, he turns out to be the husband of the secretary here at HRC. They seem to have been friends of the previous volunteer and he invited me to visit him on a weekend saying that he would, if necessary, come and fetch me from my house because he didnt think I should remain so isolated there. Made me smile all the way back to my little isolated house… until I saw the maggots anyway!
Sister Pauline and me on the Friday before my birthday.
“This is my son”, she said, in her wonderful Nigerian accent, so I got down to the appropriate level.
It wasn’t actually that hard to cut.
Let Them Eat Cake — the staff of Holy Rosary tuck in to cake and Soda.
Next day in Machakos, there was a second cake. And wine! And Beer!
Will, Tess, Sheila; Christine and Jackie at the party in Machakos.
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