On wednesday, when I returned from my trip to Nairobi and unpacked my rucsack, I placed all the things I had bought on the coffee table. Then I sat down in my armchair and wrote a list of them.
Here is that list…
**2 X padlocks** (Chinese), to secure the metal security doors on my house
**2 X 500g packets of porridge oats** (Nakumatt brand) I like my oats in the morning
**1 X Deoderant** (some local brand roll-on) Running out of my favourite and this was cheap and didnt smell too bad.
**2 X Deoderant** (Gilette clear gel) finally found a place that sells my favourite!
**Packet of 6 earplugs** when travelling I find the sound of mosquitos flying past my ear wakes me up and gives me a terrible adrenaline rush which really interfeers with a good night’s sleep.
**Coloured chalk** Christine’s book Helping health workers to learn said it was good to have coloured as well as white, I don’t know yet what I’ll use them for but I hope they will liven up my teaching somehow.
**a Book entitled “Female Circumcision“** Written by a nun at the Loreto Sister’s college, I found out about it on my visit there on Monday. I bought this copy from the Catholic book shop in Nairobi. Some of you know I have been trying to get my head round the whole idea of FGM and why it is still practised. Reading this book (so far abotu half way through) has given me some amazing insights into tribal traditions in Kenya. I suspect I will have more to say on this subject in future enries here.
**A hard-back exercise book** (ruled) I have been keeping my journal in the plain-paper spiral bound book I bought on a shopping trip with Denise in Lowestoft. But I have found it hard to locate a sketchbook out here that is smaller than A3. So I will use this one for the journal and save the remaining pages of the plain book to draw in, should I ever feel like it.
**1 X pencil** (6B) see above 😉