A couple of things made me happy todayAfter breakfast I worked on my CV; more work than I expected.When it was done it was late; lunch had sneaked up on me and stolen away again leaving me without even so much as a cup of tea. Without eating I set out on the trip I’d imagined making at lunchtime: to buy Cobweb by Stephen Bury.
But on the way I noticed, not supprisingly, that I was very hungry. I thought about going for a meal somewhere, like the veggine restaurant, but that would have ended costing almost a tenner: a bit too costly. I opted for a pasty and ended up in that same pasty shop where I went once beforem back before I blogged out of existence. Not the one with wince-inducinly expensive Earl Gra; the one with the attractive and friendly young woman behind the counter. She was there again today. What a sheer pleasure. Something in her manner, which is completely business like, is just so engaging. She’s friendly and smiley while she sells you goods in a business- like way.
She smiled and told me that, because it was almost closing time, I could get either two cold pasties for the price of one, or one hot one. I opted for economy and asked if she knew of a good bookshop nearby in Norwich. She gave me two pasties and clear, consise directions to Waterstones and Ottakers. I kinda wish she was just a little bit older 😉
I went to Ottakers. Slightly furhter to walk but I think its a smaller chain than Waterstones who are big enough and, as my old Dad would have said, ugly enough, to stay in business without my trade.
Happy with my book, I walked off accross the City munching a cheese brocoli and sweetcorn pasty. A guy stopped me in the street:
“Big Issue, sir?”
“Would you like a pasty?”
A worried look came over the guy as he glanced at the half-eaten thing sticking out of a paper bag in my hands. “I got two for the price of one just now”, I said pulling a second bag out of my pocket and handing it to him.
“Ow, thanks mate!”
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