So, I’m processing this list of js data which, for this evening, I know
contains exactly one thingummy. I’m I want to wire up some Elm and get things
to type check before I start to worry about handling lists of different sizes.
Calling upon my conventional (python) wisdom, I set about processing the
singleton in the list.
case msg of UpdateThing msg' -> (thing, cmd) = Thingummy.update msg' ... singleton element from model.things ...
How do I get that sucker? I’m thinking python: `model.things[0]` but, of
course, both `model.things !! 1`, and `List.head` return `Maybe a`. So now I’m
... (thing, cmd) ... = (Thingummy.update msg') (List.head model.things) ...
But now the lhs pattern is wrong, I’m using `map` and, ultimately, I need to
turn that updated singleton back into a list anyways.
case msg of UpdateThing msg' -> (things, cmds) = List.unzip ( (Thingummy.update msg') model.things)
Job done. (I should qualify that the job here is just the quick hack for
my singleton list. It’s applying the same change to all elements)
Moral: it isn’t any less complex to deal with a list of things than
with a thing taken from a list (Maybe). I can’t ask Elm to accept my
assumption that a list will contain exactly one item. Elm wants me to model
it. If there’s exactly one, just use a variable. If there’s zero or one,
use Maybe. Or just use a list, it’s just as simple!